
Costs $5 to enter the competition.

1 boy and 1 girl winner will split the money.

The winner will be based 100% on your before and after picture judged by an outside party.

As part of the competition, you will need to have a goal that you are working for- lose weight, lose size in your waist, gain muscle.

You need to submit a weekly update on your progress. i.e. I lost 3 lbs this week!

AHEM: Sarah wishes the pictoral evidence shown below were a part of her every day life.

Even as I sit here typing this, she's just laughing. No denial whatsoever. Guys...I think you can be proud.

And a little embarrassed. Oiled?! DERRICK.

A special shout-out to Cary, though: actually, there are no words. Some things...well, nevermind.

Fantastic. Thank you, thank you very much. Our lives will never be the same. Truly.


DeeAura (who speaks for the rest of the female population in this room...consisting of a number that shall remain unspecified.)


Sunday, February 27, 2011

hello again

It seems as though a lot of us aren't posting on here anymore, or taking the time to read the rest of our  Sweet A(ss)'s on here anymore.  I feel sad about this.  I can count the number of us who are even still in this competition on one finger.  Yeah, ONE finger.  OK maybe one hand.  But I guess it's good that at least a few of us are still going, eh?

I didn't swear earlier.  The parenthesis made it a non swear word p.s.

I think that we need to have our Saturday morning Jillian Michaels party soon.  Maybe.. this week or next.  Because the guys need to see how tough we are, and us girls need to see them suffer for 20 minutes.  It's a win-win situation.  Bethany, you should book a flight asap.  Ok, I'm kidding.  About the flight.

Just think... this could be ALL of us together on a beautiful Saturday morning!  Such a bonding experience that would be.

By the way... total I have lost ___ lbs.  It's going to be kept my secret since hardly anyone else shares juicy details about their sweet A's on here anymore.  But... my pants are still falling off.  Faster.  In an appropriate way of course.


  1. Umm I'm still working out. And I have changed my diet drastically! I'm eating whole grains, about 7-8 veggies/fruit per day and have totally cut back on sweets....

    But I haven't lost any weight and I don't really feel like anyone but me could even visually see a difference. This is why I am not so motivated to post pics and have no details to share.

    I did notice you were looking very slim. Way to go! Even if some of us are slackers you should keep it up. I remember when you didn't think you would win two months ago... Well watch out, it might be all yours after one more month.

  2. I appreciate your posts Sarah and honor you for your efforts. Everyone else is a coward!!!! Let's try to get everyone motivated again so that people actually want to post and the competition isn't in vain. Thank you.
