
Costs $5 to enter the competition.

1 boy and 1 girl winner will split the money.

The winner will be based 100% on your before and after picture judged by an outside party.

As part of the competition, you will need to have a goal that you are working for- lose weight, lose size in your waist, gain muscle.

You need to submit a weekly update on your progress. i.e. I lost 3 lbs this week!

AHEM: Sarah wishes the pictoral evidence shown below were a part of her every day life.

Even as I sit here typing this, she's just laughing. No denial whatsoever. Guys...I think you can be proud.

And a little embarrassed. Oiled?! DERRICK.

A special shout-out to Cary, though: actually, there are no words. Some things...well, nevermind.

Fantastic. Thank you, thank you very much. Our lives will never be the same. Truly.


DeeAura (who speaks for the rest of the female population in this room...consisting of a number that shall remain unspecified.)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

There are 2 rules to success in life: 1. Don't tell people everything you know.

Well, kids, it's about the same over here. Just eating healthy (minus those three bites of coconut cream pie the other day, and it's not my fault Jenn made brownies with hot fudge the other day...but I'd been snowboarding all day long so I ate the whole brownie. so sue me.) and exercising almost every day. I'm not gonna lie though...there's usually one a day a week I just don't have time.

I started running consistently two weeks ago after being somewhat lacksadaisical with it since The Dirty Dash. Oops. However, I'm getting back to where I was, and plan to have my time improved by a good minute by the time I run the half in May.

I'm really thirsty lately, too. This morning alone I have refilled my water bottle 3 times. (okay of those times was because I watered my plant with most of what was in the water bottle. whatever.)


...nevermind. If I tell you that, the title of this post will become altogether irrelevant, and I'm planning for success here. :)

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