
Costs $5 to enter the competition.

1 boy and 1 girl winner will split the money.

The winner will be based 100% on your before and after picture judged by an outside party.

As part of the competition, you will need to have a goal that you are working for- lose weight, lose size in your waist, gain muscle.

You need to submit a weekly update on your progress. i.e. I lost 3 lbs this week!

AHEM: Sarah wishes the pictoral evidence shown below were a part of her every day life.

Even as I sit here typing this, she's just laughing. No denial whatsoever. Guys...I think you can be proud.

And a little embarrassed. Oiled?! DERRICK.

A special shout-out to Cary, though: actually, there are no words. Some things...well, nevermind.

Fantastic. Thank you, thank you very much. Our lives will never be the same. Truly.


DeeAura (who speaks for the rest of the female population in this room...consisting of a number that shall remain unspecified.)


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Two weeks left!!!

I'm glad everyone is still so fired up about this competition. For those who are still committed to their goals and to their performance enhancing drugs I think we can all see a recognizable difference and say with confidence that we are much better people than the rest of our friends. One big lesson that I've learned is that diet is just as important as the number of days working out. You can't have a high cheese diet and expect to lose stomach fat. Also, mayonnaise is bad. Planks and running are much better for defining abs than doing crunches, and eating whole grains instead of white flour leads to greater regularity which is always a positive thing to have. For those who are still participating, let's make these last two weeks count so we can be in tip top shape for our 3 month pictures. Thank you


  1. I for one plan on eating nothing but grapefruit juice and slim jims for the next 2 weeks.

  2. Adam, that is disgusting. Jason, I expect to see you always in plank, and I'll slap any cheese right out of your hands if I see it at all.

  3. Thank you for your kindness and concern. I have 4 or 5 wheels of cheese under my pillow that I nibble on during the night or after my naps. Also, I'm usually in plank position 5 to 6 hours a day. It's just really natural for me.
